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Strucad V155 UPD Crack

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Strucad V155 UPD Crack

StruCad is one of the most respected structural steel component packages on the market today. It offers a variety of parametric modeling tools that allow the user to model the entire steel structure in 3D down to the last slot, plates and bolts and then automatically generate images, bills of material and CAM data. You dont get this functionality overnight, and it took AceCad developers years to achieve it. Although the program features have improved significantly, the development of the graphical user interface has remained static over the years, making the product look a bit out of date.

This is one of the most upsetting things about the current fad for stealing all kinds of IP and pretending it's not a real crime. This stuff costs real money and effort to make, but the people cracking & distributing it don't have the slightest clue what's involved and just think 12K has got to be a rip-off. Tossers. Here's a clue: it's a lot harder writing correct CAD algorithms than it is to use a debugger.

I was writing add-on code for the StruCad application in the late 1990s, and I saw firsthand the sacrifices that the StruCad developers were making. Even though we had something very similar to StruCad in our own office, we couldn't be bothered to copy the StruCad code into our application, so we did it the other way around. The StruCad developers used the same approach, and used our code as inspiration for the work they did in StruCad.

You must all know how much time and effort I had to put into the Structured Steel CAD algorithms in StruCad that I use in my other applications. The only way that I could ensure that my algorithms did things correctly was to really understand what they did. So I had to write my own StruCad application. The STL model I wrote must have been something like 300,000 lines of code and well over a hundred pages of documentation. I kept working on it for months and in the end I had to drop StruCad due to lack of time. 3d9ccd7d82


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