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Making Crucibles: A Practical Guide by Vince Gingery PDF Download

Q2: Where can I download Making Crucibles by Vince Gingery PDF? Q3: What are the advantages of making my own crucibles? Q4: What are some other books by Vince Gingery? Q5: What are some other resources for learning about crucible making? A1: Vince Gingery is an American author, engineer, inventor, and metalworker who has written several books on DIY metal casting and machining. A2: You can download Making Crucibles by Vince Gingery PDF from various online sources, such as Sciarium, SoftArchive, Open Library, or TheBookee. However, you should always respect the author's copyright and buy the book if you find it useful. A3: Making your own crucibles can save you money, allow you to customize them to your needs, and give you satisfaction and pride in your work. A4: Some other books by Vince Gingery are The Charcoal Foundry, The Metal Lathe, The Metal Shaper, The Milling Machine, The Drill Press, The Dividing Head & Deluxe Accessories, Building a Gas Fired Crucible Furnace, Secrets of Building a Plastic Injection Molding Machine, Secrets of Building a Plastic Vacuum Forming Machine, etc. A5: Some other resources for learning about crucible making are YouTube videos, online forums, blogs, magazines, etc. Table 2: Article with HTML formatting ```html Making Crucibles by Vince Gingery PDF Download

If you are interested in metal casting and machining, you might have heard of Vince Gingery, the author of several books on DIY metalworking. One of his books, Making Crucibles, is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn how to make their own crucibles for melting and pouring metal. In this article, we will give you an overview of what the book covers, who the author is, and where you can download Making Crucibles by Vince Gingery PDF.

making crucibles by vince gingery pdf download

How Crucibles Were Made 100 Years Ago

A crucible is a container that can withstand high temperatures and hold molten metal. Crucibles have been used for thousands of years for metallurgy, especially for making alloys, refining metals, and casting objects. Crucibles were traditionally made of clay, graphite, or metal, depending on the type and temperature of the metal to be melted.

In the book, Vince Gingery explains how crucibles were made 100 years ago, when industrialization and mass production were not yet widespread. He describes how craftsmen used simple tools and materials to make high-quality crucibles that could last for many uses. He also shows some examples of antique crucibles that he collected and studied.

Assembling the Data

One of the challenges that Vince Gingery faced when he decided to write the book was finding reliable information on crucible making. He realized that there was not much literature on the subject, and most of the knowledge was passed down orally or by experience. He had to do a lot of research and experimentation to gather the data he needed.

In the book, he shares how he contacted various sources, such as crucible manufacturers, suppliers, museums, libraries, etc., to obtain information on crucible making. He also explains how he tested different materials and methods to find out what worked best for him.

A PVC Mold

After collecting the data, Vince Gingery decided to start with making a simple mold for a crucible using PVC pipe and wood. He chose PVC pipe because it was cheap, easy to find, and easy to cut. He also chose wood because it was easy to shape and could be burned out during firing.

In the book, he shows how he cut a piece of PVC pipe to the desired length and diameter of the crucible. He then drilled a hole in the center of a wooden disk and inserted it into one end of the pipe. He then secured it with screws and filled the gap with clay. He then turned the pipe on a lathe and shaped the outside of the mold. He also made a wooden plug that fit snugly into the other end of the pipe.

Crucible Composition

The next step was to decide what materials to use for making the crucible itself. Vince Gingery chose to make a clay-graphite crucible, which is one of the most common types of crucibles used today. Clay-graphite crucibles are made of a mixture of clay and graphite, with some additives such as grog, sand, or sawdust. Clay-graphite crucibles can withstand high temperatures and resist thermal shock and chemical corrosion.

In the book, he explains why he chose clay-graphite as his material and what properties it has. He also lists the ingredients he used for his mixture and where he got them from. He also gives some tips on how to store and handle the materials safely.

A Recipe for the Clay Mixture

After choosing the materials, Vince Gingery had to prepare the clay mixture with the right proportions and consistency. He had to measure and weigh each ingredient carefully and mix them thoroughly. He also had to add water gradually until he achieved a stiff but pliable dough.

In the book, he gives his exact recipe for making 10 pounds of clay mixture. He also shows how he kneaded and rolled the dough into a cylinder that fit into his mold. He also advises how to avoid air bubbles and cracks in the mixture.

Ramming Up the Crucible

The next step was to fill the mold with the clay mixture and compact it properly. This process is called ramming up. Ramming up is important because it ensures that there are no gaps or voids in the crucible that could cause leaks or failures.

In the book, he shows how he inserted one end of his clay cylinder into his mold and pushed it down with a wooden rammer. He then added more clay until he filled up the mold completely. He then smoothed out the top surface with a spatula and removed any excess clay. He then removed his wooden plug from the other end of his mold and hollowed out the center of his crucible with a metal rod.

Firing the Crucible

The final step was to dry and the crucible in a kiln or a furnace. This step is crucial because it transforms the clay mixture into a hard and durable ceramic material that can withstand high temperatures and resist thermal shock and chemical corrosion.

In the book, he shows how he placed his mold on a bed of sand in a kiln and heated it gradually to 1100C. He also explains how to control the heating rate and the soaking time to avoid cracking or warping the crucible. He also shows how to cool down the crucible slowly and safely. He also gives some alternatives for firing the crucible in a furnace or a charcoal fire.

Factors Determining the Life of a Crucible

After firing the crucible, Vince Gingery had to care for and maintain it properly to extend its life and performance. He had to consider various factors that could affect the life of a crucible, such as thermal shock, mechanical stress, chemical attack, erosion, oxidation, etc.

In the book, he gives some tips on how to prevent or minimize these factors and prolong the life of a crucible. He also advises how to inspect and repair a crucible if it shows signs of damage or wear. He also explains how to dispose of a crucible safely when it reaches the end of its life.

Making Crucible Tongs

One of the essential tools for working with crucibles is a pair of tongs that can hold and lift the hot crucible securely and safely. Vince Gingery decided to make his own tongs using steel rods and bolts. He chose steel because it was strong, durable, and heat-resistant.

In the book, he shows how he bent and shaped two steel rods into two arms that fit around his crucible. He then drilled holes in the ends of the arms and connected them with bolts and nuts. He then added wooden handles to the other ends of the arms for insulation and comfort. He also made some adjustments to ensure that his tongs could grip his crucible firmly and easily.

Safety Precautions

Working with crucibles and molten metal can be dangerous if not done properly. Vince Gingery emphasized the importance of safety precautions and equipment for anyone who wants to try making and using their own crucibles. He listed some of the potential hazards and risks involved in crucible making and metal casting, such as burns, explosions, fumes, spills, etc.

In the book, he gives some safety rules and recommendations that every metalworker should follow. He also suggests some safety equipment that every metalworker should have, such as gloves, goggles, apron, boots, fire extinguisher, etc. He also advises how to handle emergencies and accidents if they occur.

Using the Crucible for the First Time

After making his own crucible and tongs, Vince Gingery was ready to use them for melting and pouring metal. However, before using his crucible for the first time, he had to preheat and test it to make sure it was working properly and safely.

In the book, he shows how he placed his crucible in his furnace and heated it gradually until it glowed red. He then added some scrap metal into his crucible and melted it until it was liquid. He then poured the molten metal into a sand mold and let it cool down. He then inspected his crucible for any cracks or leaks and checked his casting for any defects or flaws.

Making a Concrete Mold

After using his PVC mold for several times, Vince Gingery decided to make a more durable mold for his crucibles using concrete and steel. He chose concrete because it was strong, cheap, and easy to work with. He also chose steel because it was rigid, heat-resistant, and reusable.

In the book, he shows how he made a wooden box that served as an outer form for his concrete mold. He then cut a piece of steel pipe to the desired length and diameter of his crucible and placed it inside his wooden box. He then mixed some concrete with water and poured it around his steel pipe until it filled up his wooden box. He then let it cure for several days until it hardened.

Making the Inner Form for the Concrete Mold

The next step was to make a wooden form that shaped the inside of his concrete mold. He had to make sure that his wooden form matched the dimensions and shape of his crucible. He also had to make sure that his wooden form could be removed easily from his concrete mold after ramming up.

In the book, he shows how he turned a piece of wood on his lathe and shaped it into a cone that fit snugly into his steel pipe. He then drilled a hole in the center of his cone and inserted a metal rod into it. He then secured it with screws and glue. He then added some handles to his metal rod for pulling out his wooden form.

The Mold Press

The final step was to make a device that pressed the clay mixture into his concrete mold evenly and firmly. This device is called a mold press. A mold press is useful because it ensures that the clay mixture is compacted properly and uniformly in the mold. It also saves time and effort compared to manual ramming.

In the book, he shows how he made a simple mold press using wood, metal, and springs. He made a wooden frame that supported his concrete mold and his wooden form. He then made a metal plunger that fit over his wooden form and pushed down on the clay mixture. He then added some springs to his plunger to provide some pressure and resistance. He also added some handles to his plunger for operating it.

How to Use the Crucible Machine

After making his concrete mold, his wooden form, and his mold press, Vince Gingery had a complete crucible machine that could make multiple crucibles quickly and easily. He called it a crucible machine because it resembled a machine that produced clay pots or bricks.

In the book, he shows how he used his crucible machine to make several crucibles in a row. He placed his concrete mold on his wooden frame and inserted his wooden form into it. He then filled his plunger with clay mixture and placed it over his wooden form. He then pushed down on his plunger until it reached the bottom of his concrete mold. He then pulled up on his plunger and removed it from his concrete mold. He then pulled out his wooden form from his concrete mold and removed the clay crucible from it. He then repeated the process until he made as many crucibles as he wanted.


Making Crucibles by Vince Gingery is a great book for anyone who wants to learn how to make their own crucibles for metal casting and machining. The book covers everything from the history and theory of crucible making to the practical steps and tips for making different types of crucibles. The book is written in a clear and engaging style, with plenty of illustrations and examples. The book is also suitable for beginners and experts alike, as it offers both basic and advanced information on crucible making.

If you are interested in making your own crucibles, you should definitely download Making Crucibles by Vince Gingery PDF and read it carefully. You will learn a lot from the author's experience and expertise, and you will be able to make your own crucibles with confidence and skill. You will also save money, customize your crucibles to your needs, and enjoy the satisfaction and pride of making your own tools.

To download Making Crucibles by Vince Gingery PDF, you can visit one of the links below or search online for other sources. However, remember to respect the author's copyright and buy the book if you find it useful.


Q1: Who is Vince Gingery?

A1: Vince Gingery is an American author, engineer, inventor, and metalworker who has written several books on DIY metal casting and machining. He is best known for his series of books on how to build a metalworking shop from scratch using scrap metal and simple tools.

Q2: Where can I download Making Crucibles by Vince Gingery PDF?

A2: You can download Making Crucibles by Vince Gingery PDF from various online sources, such as Sciarium, SoftArchive, Open Library, or TheBookee. However, you should always respect the author's copyright and buy the book if you find it useful.

Q3: What are the advantages of making my own crucibles?

A3: Making your own crucibles can save you money, allow you to customize them to your needs, and give you satisfaction and pride in your work. You can also learn a lot about metallurgy, ceramics, and engineering by making your own crucibles.

Q4: What are some other books by Vince Gingery?

A4: Some other books by Vince Gingery are some other books by Vince Gingery?

A4: Some other books by Vince Gingery are The Charcoal Foundry, The Metal Lathe, The Metal Shaper, The Milling Machine, The Drill Press, The Dividing Head & Deluxe Accessories, Building a Gas Fired Crucible Furnace, Secrets of Building a Plastic Injection Molding Machine, Secrets of Building a Plastic Vacuum Forming Machine, etc. These books are part of his series on how to build a metalworking shop from scratch using scrap metal and simple tools.

Q5: What are some other resources for learning about crucible making?

A5: Some other resources for learning about crucible making are YouTube videos, online forums, blogs, magazines, etc. You can find many tutorials, tips, and examples of crucible making online from other metalworkers and hobbyists. You can also join some communities and groups where you can share your experiences and learn from others. 71b2f0854b


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