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Rfid Based Library Management System In India

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Libraries have used RFID to replace the barcodes on library items. The tag can contain identifying information or may just be a key into a database. An RFID system may replace or supplement bar codes and may offer another method of inventory management and self-service checkout by patrons. It can also act as a security device, taking the place of the more traditional electromagnetic security strip.[93]

This paper presents a smart library management system based on the combination of RFID technology and biometric recognition system to improve the efficiency of conventional library management. In particular, the proposed design combines radio frequency identification (RFID) and Biometric technology to enhance user processing time, improve user service, curtail book theft, and maintain continuous update of new books and to further increase the biometric security of the system against an imposter. Using MySQL, internet of things (IoT), and Java programming, we design a system that provides the user with unrestricted access to online library facilities with a personal computer or mobile devices. For improved efficiency, the proposed design is integrated with an SMS and email alert notification system. The proposed design thus allows the user to access books and course materials from a remote location in an authenticated and secured manner. The system performance was compared with the manual method in terms of book positioning function, false rejection rate, false acceptance rate, counting efficiency, average time spent in booking searching and the result show that the proposed system outperforms the conventional (manual) library system

Numerous libraries have been moving towards library management software products for years. A well-chosen Library Management System (LMS) makes a library more systematic, well planned to use, and saves valuable administrative time.

Make sure that your library management system covers all the important modules like Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Serials, and OPAC. Also, ensure that the modules are well integrated to carry out library operations efficiently.

The library management system should be a true multi-library management system. Each location or organization should be presented with tailored data to their needs through its search portal. The Software should treat each campus and every location as a different entity but you can still browse through the sites and can return items at any of the sites.

Most of the library staff and students do not have enough time to learn to use a complex LMS system. So a secure and user-friendly library management system that can be easily used by patrons and library staff will be a feasible choice.

Can the library management system be customized as per a new look, functionality, templates, and catalog Can it be customized as per the needs of the library or you will have to follow pre-set formats

A Cloud-based library management system enables access to the library system from any location through a web browser that is connected to the internet. With a cloud solution, when new releases are issued, one need not worry about internal IT support, hardware, or other resources to upgrade the library system. It is a cost-effective Library Management system for libraries to shift from owning and operating IT solution to a pay per use model.

TargetX Student admission software is cloud-based and is suitable for higher education institutes. Colleges and universities can accept filled up application forms electronically and manages them remotely. Applicant management, merit lists generation, counselling sessions, interview scheduling, and payments, reporting etc. can be entirely managed by TargetX student admission solution.

RFID technology is mainly used for effectively managing your library operation and detecting missing books. The RFID based system has a tracking system that moves beyond security with efficient tracking of materials inside the library. These systems provide you services like easier and quicker charge and discharge, proper listing of books and material management.

This technology helps librarians save valuable staff time, which may otherwise be spent on scanning bar codes while borrowing or returning books. As the name indicates, RFID is an integration of radio-frequency based technology and microchip technology. Using RFID technology, you can extract information stored on a microchip in the tags affixed to library materials.

As you already know, RFID based system is highly reliable. RFID based library systems declare 100 percent detection rate using RFID tags. If you need to identify the items moving out of the library, you can use RFID system that has an interface between exit sensors and the circulation software.

Srujana et al. made an attempt to implement RFID basedlibrary management system in the university. The proposedsystem is based on high frequency DLP radio frequencyidentification (RFID) 1 read/writer having the range offrequency is 13.56 MHz's and it can read up to 15 Tagssimultaneously [8]. The work proposed by Lakshmi et al. isRFID based library management system. The system performsthe transactions very quickly. It is very easy for the librariansto handle the issue and return of books from library [9]. Diptiet al. give brief idea about the emerging RFID technology, itsimportance in the library management system and its working.The various advantages and disadvantages of RFID technologyin libraries are discussed. Besides, the work describes theimplementation of RFID technology at central library, Indianinstitute of Madras (IITM). This will provide new insight forother libraries to implement RFID system [10]. Manjiri et al.proposed a library management system using RFID. Thesystem maintains a database in which the number books to beissued and returned are stores. The student information is alsostored in a database. The student is identified by the RFIDcard. The database is regularly updated. Using Global Systemfor Mobile Communication (GSM) technology, due date of thebook and fine amount is sent to the student [11].

In proposed approach introduces the asset tracking andmanagement system for library using active RFID. Radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology is one of the mostpopular technologies for tracking and tracing, whereby aperson or an object is identified using Radio Frequency (RF)transmission using a special kind of a sensor network. Unlike abarcode system, RFID can recognize many tags simultaneouslyand quickly. RFID provides one of the best solutions for theidentification of assets. In existing system of librarymanagement, manual process is required and students thosewho enter into the library search books in every rack and thenget the book. This system is more inefficient and time iswasted by the students because sometimes students don't knowwhether books are available or not. An automated solution isproposed in this work. In the library every book is attached with RFID tag and RFID readers are connected to the hostthrough the RS232 interface.

The scope of work of the project is to develop a RFID basedlibrary management system to assist the librarians for moreactive management of books in the library. Graphical UserInterface (GUI) for the system is developed using VisualStudio. To store the details of the book to the database,Microsoft Access is used. All the book information is loaded inthe RFID tag. The student database contains the informationlike name of the student, email id, phone number, address, anddate registered. The information has to written into the tag. Thelibrary database contains the information of the book likename, author name, publisher, number of copies in the library,available copies in the library. The database maintained withMicrosoft Access using Visual Studio, which is much securedand user friendly.

Radio frequency identification (RFID) implementation inlibraries has been discussed. The whole system was designedto overcome the disadvantages of barcode systems and thusdemonstrated. The entire project was planned to reduce theneed of skilled librarians. Though the system is moreexpensive than the barcode systems, security is ensured and ismore efficient. RFID in library speeds up all the techniqueslike issuing, reissuing returning books, books searchingprocesses. Performance of a system depends upon the data onthe tag, effectiveness of RFID reader position, tag position andthey all depend upon the cost. Developments in RFIDtechnology continue to earn larger memory capacities, widerreading ranges, and faster processing. Renewing of manualbook keeping, books are now more comfortably traceable,improved utilization of resources like manpower, framework,etc. Less time consumed as no line of sight is mandatory,minimized manual intervention, minimized manual errors, andfast access to books are the main advantages afterimplementation of RFID based Library Management System(LMS). An automated RFID based Library ManagementSystem (LMS) will increase the speed of action as issuing andreturning back is now automated.

With the innovation of new technologies, many life concepts have been changed. However, libraries remain the same in many sides while the main role of libraries has been changed and new references may not need a classical library as it was 50 years ago. In the same time, library services can be improved using Internet of Things (IoT) to increase user satisfactions. In recent years, there has been arisen in the diversity of implementation based on radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems and has been successfully utilized in several areas such as health care and transportation. RFID-based library management system will let rapid transaction flow for the library and could prove instant and long-term benefits to library in traceability and security. To solve the problem that it is inconvenient to find references in the traditional library, a kind of reference positioning system using RFID technology is designed to achieve fast search references in the library. Searching and sorting misplaced references are a hard task often carried out by the librarians. In this paper, the performance of RFID reader motion and tags allows fast transaction flow and easily handling the process like references borrowing from library can be done using RFID technology and users will get notified using Global System for Mobile. Two big issues have been exposed and tried to find the best solution for them, first is the management process of any library, from user management to shelving system and the second one is the data and reference security. The results show that the system can quickly find the references that bookworms hid, and the references are not timely put back on the shelves. Furthermore, the new library hall design and IoT-based system improve the security. 153554b96e


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