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Variation 2: Skip the step where you wrap the tape around your hips (because there will be nothing there to cover it) and instead double it up across your tailbone. This is a trick used by transvestites who dance the samba and drag queens who prefer to perform in a cache-sexe. It'll keep them guessing all night.
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As i looked at the centre, my cock hung proudly between my legs. I kept myself fully shaved and well maintained down below so my cock looked clean and pristine. It was a decent handful even in its flaccid state and fully erect i was a thick juicy 7 inches, I had never had any complaints anyway.
She was right though, i could only imagine the look on their faces if they pulled in to recover my car and found me in the middle of nowhere with an old tranny, dressed like she was with her massive hungry cock hanging out. It didn't matter anyway, I had no signal on my phone so couldn't ring them if i wanted to.
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