I Can Make You Thin By Paul Mckenna PDF __HOT__
We currently live in a time of unprecedented challenges, uncertainty, overwhelming stress, loss of hope at times and a need for mental strength and adaptability to a new way of life. Traditional 'positive thinking', trying to constantly tell yourself that everything is okay, no matter the circumstances, just isn't enough to make any lasting difference. After 30 years working as a therapist, Paul McKenna has developed a unique approach putting you into optimal states of mind, building up your resilience and enabling good decisions and actions that lead to successful results in life.
I Can Make You Thin By Paul Mckenna PDF
No, you have inserted a hypnotic gastric band. That acts like a real one and makes your tummy feel smaller. But you still have to eat mindfully. The band is brilliant and definitely causes you to feel fuller. I can make you thin and his other diet books are about learning to let go of dieting and that you can actually eat anything you want to as long as you apply the golden rules. You end up only eating mere bites of things and then feel full.
Well it is a learning curve at first as you have to trust in yourself that eventually your mind will accept that you can eat anything. I mean, I have cakes (really nice homemade ones) if I want them and chocolate but generally I just don't bother. I have a drawer full of chocolate and crisps and a fridge full of salads, cheeses, strawberries, cream, real salty welsh butter, jams etc but I never overeat them now. The only time I start to wobble if is I think about going on a diet so I make sure I stop myself before I even entertain the idea. Do you know what....diets don't work. They just don't. You can lose weight but most people will regain it and then some.